

  • Introduction

    Our passion from the past 62 years will build the next century of steel.

  • Philosophy

    Culture development Cultivation of Talent Excellent quality

  • Ferrum Tower

    Landmark of steel,
    Ferrum Tower





  • 2001. 09Sae-Joo Chang appointed as chairman
  • 2002. 10Construction of No.4CGL·No.4CCL (equipment for surface treatment) completed
  • 2004. 07Dongkuk Steel 50th Anniversary
  • 2005. 05Establishment of Central R&D Center
  • 2006. 11Completion of construction of 3 exclusive ports including Incheon north, and Pier No.2 at Pohang new port
  • 2007. 08Construction of PL-TCM (continuous pressing equipment) completed
  • 2008. 04Establishment of Brazil steel works, CSP (Joint Venture of Dongkuk Steel and Vale)
  • 2009. 09Construction of No.5CGL·CCL (coloring and stamping equipment) completed
  • 2009. 11First to be KS certified for high-strength reinforcing-bars (SD700), first in Korea

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